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• Σχεδιασμός και επιμέλεια της παραγωγής εντύπων • Στοιχεία και δεδομένα, προδιαγραφές εντύπων και προδιαγραφές παραγωγής • Αυτοματισμοί στις Γραφικές Τέχνες • Συστήματα διαχείρισης πληροφοριών (MIS) – Εφαρμογή στις Γραφικές τέχνες • Η προδιαγραφή JDF (Job Definition Format) • Ολοκληρωμένα συστήματα ...
This manual introduces participants to the course and the topics: Entrepreneurship for employees in companies with growth potential or growth ambitions, introduction to the individual topics of the course and references to further material, appendix with material. Participants engage in self-study b ...
The Awareness scan Entrepreneurial skills is an internet based self-assessment tool to create the awareness on the entrepreneurial skills of the self-assessment users in the target groups as described: - Starters/young entrepreneurs - Employees in companies with growth potential or growth ambition t ...
Na afloop van de workshop hebben de deelnemende ondernemers inzicht in het milieuzorgsysteem, hoe zij dit kunnen inzetten in hun salon. Weten ze de startsituatie mb.t. milieu aspecten in hun salon.
Team (national)
Understand what is necessary on a high over level to migrate from ISO-27001:2017 to 2023
Team (incompany)
Students look at sustainable packaging outside their own environment
Students understand that the cultural setting can have an impact on sustainable packaging
Students find differences between cases internationally
Team (international)