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Packaging Self-Assessment

Publication date: 02-02-2024
Last change date: 02-02-2024
Uploader:  Joan Creus Oliveras
Organisation:  GREMI de la Indústria i la Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya

Not yet rated by users

Keywords: self-assessment, packaging
Fields of knowlegde: Packaging
Language: English


Welcome to the questionnaire Packaging for entrepreneurs, employees of companies in this sector and students. This questionnaire gives you insight into your view on the developments within this sector of the creative industry.

Give the answers as they best fit your entrepreneurship. The questionnaire is based on the research within the framework of the Thrive project: Developments, future company profiles and entrepreneurial skills. Organization, Value proposition, Market and Finance are the four central subjects in this self-assessment. Choose the answers that best suit your entrepreneurship in order to generate a real picture and appropriate advice!

This scan consists of questions concerning the four subjects. After you answered all questions, per subject a score and conclusion will be shown. The conclusion gives insight into your entrepreneurial future and provides some tips for improving your success in entrepreneurship.

The scan is also in German, Dutch, English and Spanish.

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