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Klaas - 20-07-2024

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Freddy - 18-07-2024

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Interessante scriptie met een thema dat behalve voor incident management ook geldt voor risicomanagement zoals ik het lees. Toepasbaar op elke organisatie. Een docent kan hier de nodige informatie uit halen voor een aantal colleges op dit vlak.

Peter - 17-06-2024

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'Beroering en Beheersing: de paradox van het incidentmanagement’ is een onderzoek naar het managen van incidenten vanuit de behoefte om incidenten aan het licht te brengen en om ‘interne processen, mensen of systemen te verbeteren. Het stimuleren van het leren van incidenten speelt hierin een belangrijke rol. Centraal staat de vraag:   Welke rol spelen culturele processen in de ervaringen van organisatieleden van zorgverzekeraar Menzis met het  incidentmanagement en de manier waarop van incidenten wordt geleerd?   Vanuit een goed beschreven theoretisch kader over incident management wordt het onderzoek uitgevoerd en aanbevelingen aan de opdrachtgever gedaan.

Het document is gepubliceerd in het Nederlands

Frank - 09-06-2024

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Commotion and Control: the paradox of incident management. - Draft

Publication date: 07-06-2024
Last change date: 07-06-2024
Uploader:  Floor den Hartog
Organisation:  Bibliotheek Utrecht

User Rating

4,3 average based on 4 reviews.

Keywords: incident management, organizations, culture, research, learning
Fields of knowlegde: Management, marketing, Quality & standardisation, Health & Safety, Leadership
Language: Dutch


'Commotion and Control: the paradox of incident management' is an interpretive study about the role of cultural and learning processes in the experiences of organizational members of the Dutch health insurer Menzis with incident management.

Learning outcomes

A qualitative interpretative research approach reveals that within Menzis, incident management has led to the emergence of new spatial and professional boundaries, resulting in the formation of two fragmented groups: the operational staff and the GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance). These two groups are characterized by different cultural attributes, leading to contested meaning – negotiated meaning-making. Both groups interpret incident management differently. The operational staff’s interpretation is colored by humanity and emotions, while within GRC, it is characterized by a focus on losses and accountability. These cultural processes create various tensions in the realm of incident management. These tensions manifest in the definition of an incident, the occurrence and reporting of incidents, the changes after an incident, and the collaboration between the two groups. The tension field created by cultural processes within incident management affects the learning from incidents within the organization. Learning from incidents occurs only in small groups because the communication of lessons and solutions at the team and organizational levels is lacking. As a result, organization members perceive learning from incidents as a form of symptom management, where "reinventing the wheel" repeatedly happens within Menzis. In summary, the cultural processes of division and meaning-making shape the experiences of the members of the health insurance provider Menzis, creating a context within incident management that is accompanied by tensions and negotiation. This context makes learning from incidents only marginally possible.

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