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Introducción al LEAN Manufacturing - Introduction to LEAN Manufacturing

Publication date: 22-09-2024
Last change date: 22-09-2024
Uploader:  Joan Creus Oliveras
Organisation:  GREMI de la Indústria i la Comunicació Gràfica de Catalunya

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Keywords: LEAN; Management; Manufacturing
Fields of knowlegde: Management, marketing
Language: Spanish


**Introduction** In connection with the European Union, which funds the Lean Manufacturing project for Graphic Companies, a simple concept is grouped with the goal of providing European Graphic Companies with a straightforward Lean instrument. This initiative has been prepared to develop three core tools: VSM (Value Stream Mapping), 5S, and improvement meetings with management. While there are other tools available, these three have been chosen as the primary ones. The philosophy is to master these tools thoroughly, achieve results, and then progress further along the Lean path.

Learning outcomes

**Development of the Five Lean Principles:** 1. **Identify Value-Creating Activities**      This involves asking key questions such as: Will the customer pay for this activity or process? Is the product becoming obsolete? Is it being made correctly the first time? These questions help define the value-added steps in your workflow. 2. **Value Stream Mapping (VSM) Analysis**      The map outlines the processes and activities your company offers to deliver the final graphic product to the customer. Identify critical areas where, in the current situation, you experience bottlenecks or frequent errors. 3. **Flow**      Starting with the analysis of the Value Stream Map, work to align the most optimal flow for the company. This means creating a flow where orders (both information and materials) move through the company freely, with as few waiting points as possible. 4. **Pull**      Focus on making order production as quick as possible, using the least amount of resources. This is about creating an efficient production system driven by real demand, avoiding overproduction. 5. **Perfection**      Identify areas for improvement within and around the company, such as maintaining printing machines and ensuring they are optimally serviced. This minimizes breakdowns and stressful situations. Engage employees in pursuing improvements and eliminating waste. Waste includes overproduction, waiting times, errors, internal transport, process waste (scrap), and excessive storage.

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