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Basic Offset Printing problems during the production process & their solution (GR)

Publication date: 20-06-2024
Last change date: 20-06-2024

Not yet rated by users

Keywords: Offset Printing, Printing Problems, Printing Quality
Fields of knowlegde: Printing
Language: Greek


This lesson summarizes the most basic problems that occur during the production process of offset printed forms.

At the same time, at least one possible solution is proposed for each of these problems.

Learning outcomes

Learners are introduced to the most basic and common problems encountered in offset printing.

In this way they learn to visually recognize the problem when it occurs during printing.

At the same time, they will have acquired the theoretical background to choose the right solution or combination of solutions to the problem encountered during the printing process

Total of 1 files with total size of 542 kB

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