The material effectively engages learners with interactive elements and thought-provoking content.
This self-assessment is an excellent resource for new entrepreneurs looking to make their mark in the digital business landscape.
4,5 average based on 2 reviews.
Business and entrepreneurship has traditionally been associated with settled people in fancy dresses or suits. However, in the digital age, this has changed significantly, with more and more young people creating start-ups and other entrepreneurial ventures. Are you a entrepreneurial person and want to see how good your entrepreneurial skills are? With this self-assessment you can find out. The scan consists of questions concerning five subjects: motivation and self-organisation, ideas and opportunities, collaboration and networking, resources, and turning ideas into action.
Ben jij een ondernemend persoon en wil je zien hoe goed jouw ondernemersvaardigheden zijn? Met deze zelfevaluatie kom je erachter. De scan bestaat uit vragen over vijf onderwerpen: motivatie en zelforganisatie, ideeën en kansen, samenwerking en netwerken, middelen en het omzetten van ideeën in actie.
The participant receives insight into his entrepreneurial skills and brief advice on how to improve.
De deelnemer krijgt inzicht in zijn ondernemersvaardigheden en kort advies hoe te verbeteren.
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