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ISO 9001 and Climate Change - Internal Audit Reporting

Publication date: 26-07-2024
Last change date: 26-07-2024
Uploader:  Bianca Oostenveld
Organisation:  SHB advies

Not yet rated by users

Keywords: 'ISO 9001', 'Climate Change', 'Internal Audit Report', 'Amendment 1: Climate action Changes (2024)'
Fields of knowlegde: Quality & standardisation, Health & Safety
Language: Dutch


ISO 9001 and Climate Change - Internal Audit Reporting is a hands-on document. It's a guide to check the ISO 9001-requirements including the new 2024 Amendment 1: Climate action changes.  

Learning outcomes

ISO 9001 and Climate Change - Internal Audit Reporting is a hands-on document. It's a guide to check the ISO 9001-requirements including the new 2024 Amendment 1: Climate action changes.  

Total of 1 files with total size of 284 kB

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