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Joan Marc - 29-07-2024

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Blanket changing

Publication date: 12-06-2024
Last change date: 12-06-2024
Uploader:  Aivo Brenner
Organisation:  Tallinn Polytechnic School

User Rating

1,0 average based on 1 reviews.

Keywords: Ofsett printing blankets
Fields of knowlegde: Printing
Language: English


How and why blankets are changed on offset printing machines. How to care for offset printing blankets and their options.Differences and uses of offset blankets. Preparation and measuring of covers.

Learning outcomes

How to install the printing blanket in the offset printing machine, measuring their thickness and the order of tightening. Maintenance of printing rubbers and maintenance tools.

Total of 1 files with total size of 69 kB

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