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OKR'S - Draft

Publication date: 25-05-2022
Last change date: 29-04-2024
Uploader:  JOAN SANS
Organisation:  Escola Antoni Algueró

Not yet rated by users

Fields of knowlegde: Typography & Layout, Graphic & web design, Photography, Premedia-Prepress, Printing, Finishing, Packaging, Web & Mobile Technology, Gaming, Audio-visual techniques, Management, marketing, Quality & standardisation, Health & Safety, Sustainability & Environment , Social skills, Leadership, Other
Language: Spanish


Los objetivos se pueden establecer como KPI's donde suelen desviarse con el tiempo, o bien realizar un control distinto del proceso con OKR's. Utilizan las técnicas AGILE como SCRUM para realizar los pasos que nos llevan al objetivo.

The objectives can be established as KPIs where they tend to deviate over time, or perform a different control of the process with OKRs. They use AGILE techniques such as SCRUM to carry out the steps that take us to the objective.

Learning outcomes

Conocer como funcionan y como se establecen unos OKR's en una organización.  Se ayuda a implementarlos desde la puesta en practica con casos reales.

Know how OKRs work and how OKRs are established in an organization. It helps to implement them from implementation with real cases.


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