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Show comments (2)

Very good material!

NIKOS - 27-08-2024

User Rating:

A clear shot document about how online marketing. Can be used as the basis for one one hour course or to build - per page - a series of courses.

Peter - 05-08-2024

User Rating:

Marketing funnels

Publication date: 31-07-2024
Last change date: 31-07-2024
Uploader:  Nicky Malfliet
Organisation:  Artevelde UAS

User Rating

4,5 average based on 2 reviews.

Keywords: marketing
Fields of knowlegde: Management, marketing
Language: English


Basic course about marketing funnels - basic knowladge for developing commercial print products

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of the different funnels

Insight in the marketing funnels

Total of 1 files with total size of 5054 kB

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