Very interesting!
Teams are very important to reach your goals. This document gives clear insights how to make a team more productive and still be a nice team. Processes are dependent on several persons, so good teamwork is essential. The document describes how to make and sustain a good working team.
This document provides insight into the process management of a project where good cooperation has a strengthening effect. The different elements are highlighted.
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Effective teamwork is what makes organizations and projects succeed. In order to understand the competencies needed to build and lead high performance teams, it is helpful to first define a team. Here is a simple but effective description from The Wisdom of Teams (Harvard Business School Press, 1993.); “A team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” The central issues in this part are to learn on how to work in a team and manage the collaboration. To get reflection on the own behaviour we have developed a self-assessment tool on internet. With this tool you can enlarge your insights on the own behaviour.
Self-knowledge Contributing to Team Success Building Partnerships. Teamwork/Collaboration. Building Trust Coaching Communication Managing Conflict Adaptability Continuous Learning Decision Making Facilitating Change GainingCommitment Initiative Innovation Leading the Vision and Values Planning and Organizing Risk Taking
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