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Inspiring material!

Josep - 21-09-2024

User Rating:

Léon - 02-07-2024

User Rating:

Interesting Material! It sums up what entrepeneurs need to know about the new generation Z and how to change behaviour to cope with this generation. 

Lex - 09-06-2024

User Rating:

The E-paper provides a brief overview of the different characteristics of the generations that can occur within a company and the effects of the profile of a generation Z employee with regard to recruitment and selection, leadership and the sales function.

Max - 06-06-2024

User Rating:

The paper provides a good, short and concise overview of the different characteristics of the various generations. She describes the effects of the behaviour of Generation Z with regard to recruitment and selection, leadership and sales.

Frank - 06-06-2024

User Rating:

How to deal with Generation Z and other generations in the company or organization?

Publication date: 06-06-2024
Last change date: 06-06-2024
Uploader:  Geertje Brans
Organisation:  Metaview

User Rating

4,2 average based on 5 reviews.

Keywords: Generation Z, Overview of generations, Recruitment/selection/commitment to the organisation, leadership
Fields of knowlegde: Management, marketing, Social skills, Leadership, Sales
Language: English


Generation Z, born between 1995 and 2010, is about to enter the job market in large numbers. This generation shares some characteristics with their older Millennial siblings, but there are also differences. What effects does Generation Z and previous generations have on the organization? What are their traits, their working style. Values and norms? How do you communicate with this generation and what does this mean for leading this generation?

Learning outcomes

Total of 1 files with total size of 353 kB

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