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Show comments (2)

Nice course to start of with entrepreneurial skills with print media students, but I would love some more visual aspects

Nicky - 20-06-2024

User Rating:

Thrive! not only acknowledges threats posed by digital transformation but also positions itself as a beacon for entrepreneurs keen on navigating in the dynamic realm of the digital industry.

GERASIMOS - 29-01-2024

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Entrepreneurial skills as solid base for a future in the Creative Industry

Publication date: 16-11-2021
Last change date: 19-09-2023
Uploader:  Frank Den Hartog
Organisation:  Stivako

User Rating

4,5 average based on 2 reviews.

Keywords: research; developments; creative industry; print media; digital marketing; packaging; SIGN and display; Gaming
Fields of knowlegde: Printing, Packaging, Web & Mobile Technology, Gaming, Management, marketing
Language: English


The creative industries have undergone massive changes since the beginning of the 21st century. Technology – mainly the digitalisation – has changed the way of production, sales and distribution fundamentally, new competitors – often from outside the branches – appeared and captured market shares, customer behaviour has become more and more volatile, close cooperation with customers (“pro-sumer”) is normality. One effect of these developments is that competences become obsolete faster than in the past. But the digital transformation does not only threaten traditional industries and players. It also offers tremendous opportunities for entrepreneurs and people with entrepreneurial spirit. Therefore the central questions of the Thrive!-project are  What do future companies in the digital industry look like?  Can some kind of „typical“ company profiles be identified?  What are the consequences for employees‘ competences and especially necessary skills for entrepreneurial activity?

Learning outcomes

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