Learning materials

This section of the EKFI-platform gives you access to your own material and your favorites. You can also add your own material.

Add material

After clicking the Add material in the navigation bar you can start filling out the 4-step material intake wizard. In the four steps you will have to describe all notable aspects of your learning you want to update.
Important: to comply with copyright law, you must own the rights of the material and the content, for example images, must be royalty-free or purchased. For example images, need to be rights free or bought.

You do need to complete the intake at once. Only one open field is mandatory: Title. If you need more time to complete your intake, just enter the title and go to step 5 and press Save. When you click the Save / Save and publish-button, the learning material will be added to My material for further editing. Only click Save and publish when you are sure that you are ready for others to download you material.

We have a document that helps you prepare for the upload. In this Word document all available fields are mentioned and can be filled out in order to smoothly add the desired material.
Download Word upload template.

My material

In My material you can you can edit, publish/retract, delete the uploaded material, ask for peer review and view the assessment score. It is important to know that only learning or other material that you have published, will be available for other users.

My favorites

Here you can find the learning material that you have tagged as favorite.